Severe: multidomain log file error

  • In my client's situation there is one contract or subscription with two domains. When I look at the access log I cannot distinguish between the two sites because it has entries of both and there is no domain name in the format.

    The bug is that there should be separate log for each domain, only combining www subdomain with it's domain. The same problem is when you use subdomains. The statistics should be different for each sub-domain. Only www. sub domain can share log-file with its domain.

    It is still in time for this client since the second site is still before release data. But as soon as it is released there will be a problem. Her statistics will be invalid and there is no way to see the statistics for the second domain. This option is not even offered by LC! May the statistics was switched off when the second domain was added? Because that was her initial complain that I try to solve now. Please fix this because there is no way to know what is what in a log, specially when the sites are of similar technology.

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