Multi server Business > Business

  • Apparently by mistake I gave the client server also a Business license, which, according to documentation apparently is not what I should have done. It says that Basic or Standard is "erforderlich". Interestingly enough I still was able to add the server and configure it like normal, only I don't see the new server anywhere available when I attempt to assign it to a hosting plan. Could that be because I used the wrong license? Then why does it allow me to add the server with the wrong license?

    If indeed "erforderlich" means that it excludes clients with a Business license, how should I correct my error without breaking the configuration? Or should I?:

    - Remove the server
    - Change the license
    - Add the server again

    How would you change the client license? The same as with liveconfig master?:

  • I tried the following with success:

    - lcclient -k stop
    - rm /etc/liveconfig/lcclient.key
    - lcclient --activate # asks for the new license code
    - lcclient -k start

    I also forgot that the choice of server is when the contract is created, NOT when creating the hosting plan.

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