I please need an explanation of what "unbegrenzt" means in the context of the parameters mailquota and webspace of the command HostingSubscriptionAdd. I know what the German word means, but I don't know how LiveConfig handle this non-value. For instance, when I create an account with both unlimited webspace, how is that handled? What if both mailquota AND webspace are unlimited? What happens when there are more then one account that have unlimited webspace and/or mailquota?
API and how "unbegrenzt" is handled
"Unlimited webspace" means, that there will be no filesystem quota configured - the user then can upload any data until the server (or to be more exactly: the partition containing his webspace) is "full".
"Unlimited mailquota" is nearly identical - the user can create as many mailboxes as he wants to (as long there's no limit on the number of mailboxes) and give them an arbitrary mailbox quota size.
Both limits (webspace quota and mailbox quota) are managed independently, because they're enforced differently (webspace via filesystem quota, mailbox via maildirsize quota) and might be rolled out on different servers.
What happens when afterwards I put a value?
I pretend to use this to quickly migrate my accounts from the other server and then afterwards account after account adjust the quotas manually. I try to avoid complicated algorithms in my script to work around quota overselling in the previous control panel.
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