Make Postfix smtpd_recipient_limit configurable

  • And when you are at it, why no make these all configurable:

    anvil_rate_time_unit = 1800s
    smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit = 50
    smtpd_client_recipient_rate_limit = 400
    smtpd_recipient_limit = 100

    Nice for SMAP damage limitation. This is specially important since the LUA configuration is difficult to custom override.

  • IMHO it does *NOT* make any sense to make every tiny setting of every software to be configurable in the webinterface. Why don't you add those lines to the yourself and set postfix.NOUPDATE=true in LUA? If you need server management take Webmin or let a sysadmin do the job..

    Aren't you able to change/ manage simple files?

  • Aren't you able to change / manage simple files?

    Looks like a rhetorical question. Of course I can't. That's why I use LiveConfig. I'm too lazy to maintain all these complex configuration files with their decentralised development and scattered documentation. My memory is limited and I cannot remember all the different configuration keywords and I am lazy enough that I like the idea that LiveConfig takes care of this.

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