Cannot delete customer / how to delete contacts?

  • It says: To delete this customer, you first need to delete all assigned subscriptions.

    ... but the list of subscriptions is empty.

    How would you safely delete the related contacts? Contacts can be in use for other clients.

  • Further information for this bug.

    Liveconfig's database is under MySQL and when I look in the table HOSTINGCONTRACTS then I can find back a row for this client. So what happens is that in the web frontend the contract disappears from the list but the backend the ccontract still exists. I will change the title accordingly.

  • I noticed one problem. For some weird reason apparently the MySQL database connection was broken (did I reset the password; I don' t remember). For this reason the databases of the contract were not deleted. May be this was the cause that contract delete errored out and did not finish successfullly, but in the front end I did not see any error of this. I should have been warned that something is wrong and the contract should not be deleted.

    I don't remember, but I might have deleted the databases manually before deleting the contract.

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