liveconfig-meta package dependencies; can it be improved

  • In response to the security warning…viewtopic.php?f=4&t=29588

    I wanted to proceed and deinstall php5-imagick but could not because I had this server installed with the liveconfig-meta package. Very handy to get a server up and running quickly, but see the disadvantage:

    Removing liveconfig-meta, as suggested, likely will remove all dependencies with it. In search of solutions I came accross this article:…e8/uninstall-meta-package

    So it suggests me to do:

    $ aptitude unmarkauto '?reverse-depends(liveconfig-meta) | ?reverse-recommends(liveconfig-meta)'
    $ aptitude remove php5-imagick

    This would get rid of the dependencies until the next update of liveconfig-meta. To prevent that future upgrades re-install php5-imagick I likely need to:

    $ aptitude remove liveconfig-meta

    I did not want to experiment with this on a production server, so I renamed /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/20-imagick.ini and restarted apache

    End of my adventure, but there remains the question, if there could be a package that installs everything but then does not oblige all packages to be present?

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