MX and other automatic DNS records should appear in DNS manager

  • When you have a mail server with the name, then with active DNS management, every domain you add to this machine will automatically have as default MX record that will be visible in the zone file or with this query

    dig @localhost mx

    Please change this imposing behaviour to default behaviour. A way to do it is by changing from "Custom DNS records" TAB to "DNS Records" and show there the proposed MX record editable. This would allow us to put a different mailserver per domain, more my idea of management.

    Small exceptions like this now generate a lot of extra administration time or simply not using LC to manage the DNS at all. This cannot be the intention of the author.

  • I don't have a problem that there is a MX record. I do have problem that I cannot override it per domain. In principle this domain needs MX service but not with the local mail server. I don't want it to disappear, I want to override automatic (hidden) behaviour and change the MX to another. If the automatic behaviour would write the MX in the DNS manager then I could change it, but now it is hidden I felt obliged to report this as my complaint.

  • Nevertheless all records and subdomains, e.g. autodiscover should be viewable. Maybe add an "expert mode / dns mode" where *all* settings are displayed immediately, e.g. on domain page.

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