Beiträge von ñull

    Client discovers that her webaliser statistics was turned off, while it was working before. Not clear how that happened, but now she wants to see the stats of the last months.

    I sitll have the access logs compressed since May. Is there an easy way to run webaliser manually to recover the statistics for the missing months?

    Would be good when there is an easier way to identify the right mail folder (for administrators). May be a tool? A field to enter the mail address and it returns the path?

    would also be nice when the administrator you can temporary disable / block an mail account or all mail of a contract. Under domains there is a checkbox to disable email, but I don't know what it does. It might delete all mail folders for instance. When an mail account is abbused for sending Spam, it would be nice when you could disable SMTP still allowing reception and POP3/IMAP without deleting mailboxes.

    And when you are at it, why no make these all configurable:

    anvil_rate_time_unit = 1800s
    smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit = 50
    smtpd_client_recipient_rate_limit = 400
    smtpd_recipient_limit = 100

    Nice for SMAP damage limitation. This is specially important since the LUA configuration is difficult to custom override.

    On my VB test server I got it working. In /etc/postfix/

    smtpd_sender_login_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/controlled_envelope_senders
    smtpd_sender_restrictions =
    check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access

    Apparently the reject_sender_login_mismatch, should come before any permit rules. After changes it should be compiled with:

    postmap /etc/postfix/

    This should be in /etc/postfix/controlled_envelope_senders (example, should be maintained by LUA):

    #box, alias or forwarded address sasl authenticated owner

    after changes it should be compiled with:

    postmap /etc/postfix/controlled_envelope_senders

    now only and are allowed from addresses when SASL authenticated as Thunderbird errors with the message:

    An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: 5.7.1 <>: Sender address rejected: not owned by user Please check the message recipient and try again.

    The last phrase is very confusing. I wonder why the recipient should be checked while the response clearly indicates a problem with the Sender address.

    Please include this in the postfix lua together with a fix for graylisting under Ubuntu. I don't know the correct implemantation. I tried this:

    smtpd_sender_restrictions =
    check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access

    But then I could not send at all any more. Please give this a higher priority, because it helps to identify a spamming mail account, a continuous problem with hosters.

    The Drupal installer is broken. I takes all information, downloads and installs all files, but then leaves me waiting. LC log tells me:

    [2014/07/17 08:54:45.188208] [5998|6003] Requesting installer file 'wai-drupal-7.28-1.php.gz'...
    [2014/07/17 08:54:59.984342] [5998|6003] Created database '<databasename>' (user '<databaseuser>')

    In an attempt to follow the example how to override a function in custom.lua, but when I run "liveconfig --diag" I get the error as indicated in the subject. All I do is include a minimally changed function LC.postfix.configure(cfg, opts).

    The same method of overriding worked with another function ( LC.users.addUser). What am i doing wrong here? In what is LC.postfix.configure different that it should fail?

    ... eine kleine Änderung in /usr/lib/liveconfig/lua/users.lua :

    Hallo Herr Strausmann,

    Wir lassen uns etwas einfallen, wie LiveConfig erkennen kann auf welchem IP- oder Unix-Socket nun Postgrey erreichbar ist, und Postfix entsprechend einrichtet.

    Wann werden Sie diesen Fehler beheben? Als ich gestern Whitelisting ausprobierte, wurden meine Kunden wiederum das Opfer dieser immer noch bestehenden Irritation, die meinen Mailserver lahm gelegt hatte.

    Hatte zu tun mit ufw. Einen fehlerhafte Foward Regel in before.rules wurde durch "ufw disable" oder "ufw reload" nicht deaktiviert. Das muss man Manual mit "iptables -t nat -F" tun.

    Heute vor einige Stunden funktionierte es noch aber jetzt scheint LC auf Port 8443 nicht mehr zu reagieren.
    Neustart usw. hat kein Erfolg. Im log sehe ich auch merkwürdige Fehlermeldungen. Kann ich ihnen das zuschicken? Was kann ich noch mehr tun?

    Ich entdekte die .res Dateien in /usr/share/liveconfig , anscheinend die Ressourcen mit auch die Sprachen. Ich arbeite hauptsächlich mit Linux und ich frage mich was ich mit diese Dateien anfangen muss für meine Spanisch und Holländisch Übersetzung? Soll ich resedit benützen unter Window$ in Virtualbox oder Wine?

    Meinen Patch für usr/lib/liveconfig/lua/postfix.lua seht so aus:

    <         fh:write("greylist = check_policy_service inet:\n")
    >         fh:write("greylist = check_policy_service inet:::1:10023\n")

    Vorausgesetzt das Ubuntu und Debian in diesen Hinsicht ähnlich sind.

    Vollständiges Beispiel :

    Apr 10 11:19:10 rhodavm100 postfix/smtpd[9828]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 451 4.3.5 Server configuration problem; from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
    Apr 10 11:19:10 rhodavm100 postfix/smtpd[9828]: disconnect from[]

    Und greylisting service lief:


    service postgrey status
    * postgrey is running