Beiträge von ñull

    I discovered that by simply adding a subdomain, I can add A records for for instance, but the IP address is always (one) of the server LC server(s). How can I add a ns2 A record for and external DNS, with different IP address ?

    I can change the zone file manually, but this change is lost when LC overwrites it.

    [indent]As admin SOAP user I can apparently not add new accounts under a reseller. Setting the resalecontract to the resellers subscription name still creates the client under admin not under the reseller. In the frontend when logged in as reseller the client only appears under the reseller, not under admin. So apparently I have to do the API call as the the reseller user. That this would be possible and may be desirable can be guessed from: [/indent]


    Zu jedem Benutzer in LiveConfig kann neben dem „normalen“ Passwort ein davon unabhängiges SOAP-Passwort hinterlegt werden (siehe auch Abschnitt 2.7, „ Passwort-Initialisierung “.

    [indent] It is not explained how to set it for other users than admin. How do you do that? And will it automatically enable the SOAP API permission for that user?[/indent] [indent]Or should it still be possible to do this all as SOAP user admin? Up to now all attempts to create an account under a reseller have failed. To temporary migrate I could create them all as clients under admin, which I have seen working, but will there be or is there a feature to then move the clients to a reseller? [/indent]

    The following parameters are sent (straight from my debugger): par

    array[7] :
    [subscriptionname] "somename" string
    [password] "some password" string
    [customerid] "cH4lr.FWBgyS" string
    [plan] "migrate_reseller" string
    [webserver] "localhost" string
    [mailserver] "localhost" string
    [dbserver] "localhost" string

    The actual subscription is added without error message, but in a state that it is not recognised as valid or existing; it does not allow adding domains, not in the frontend nor via SOAP API. In the front end the subscription appears in the subscription box but it does not when I try to create a domain account. I 'm stuck with my migration script with this bug. Time (= money) is ticking. I am a bit desperate now.

    Apparently I have to create the reseller accounts manually, because API apparently fails. When I create a reseller plan manually in the front-end then I notice that you cannot add domains to this account, nor databases nor email (just like admin account would allow under itself) within the limits of its account. So apparently to add to a reseller domains, you need to create clients under it with own hosting plan.

    Sometimes the WYSIWYG editor would work in this forum. I tried to manipulate my user settings, but it did not help to reactivate it. At the moment it is all very minimalistic and I cannot even make my text more readable with paragraphs, because my line breaks are ignored and all text is displayed joined together. Please could you improve the settings to allow at least some simple formatting?

    The cause is explained

    . The faulty subscription is listed but is not usable for domain creation. Still the same there is no way to create "internal" (DNS) domains. With a correct subscription (created with a predefined hosting plan) the domain will be created as external (DNS) by default and there is no documented parameter for HostingDomainAdd to change the default.

    HostingSubscriptionAdd will in certain circumstances create a subscription in an undefined state with unpredictable results. When you create an individual subscription its name will appear in the front-end but it cannot be used nor selected when adding a new domain. This must be the cause why I could not use HostingDomainAdd to add a domain (see for more information


    ). The work around at the moment is to work with predefined hosting plans. These can be prepared in the web front-end with all the parameters and will create a working subscription.

    I discovered that xdebug in "Step over" mode will not show the Soap errors but with Breakpoints I can see them. The subscriptionname used and returned with HostingSubscriptionAdd is the same as I use in HostingDomainAdd. When I check in the web interface I can see a subscription is created with the same name. Still HostingDomainAdd returns the error message "Invalid subscription (no record found)". This bug effectively blocks my migration efforts.

    I'm only guessing here. I was able to add a subscription but then when I log in as client, then it only displays the subdomain limit:

    Contract      Domains   Subdomains
    <cntr-name>   0         0 (unlimited)

    Then when I try HostingDomainAdd with the soap api, it returns without error, but it stops execution of the script and no domain is added. Apparently by default an internal domain is supposed to be added, but since the limit is not clearly defined, it apparently fails.

    Also, when this is by default an internal domain that is added, then there should be a parameter to set the DNS template.

    I feel like to report this as bug now:…t-working?p=6244#post6244