Error in Apache configuration when using php5.6

  • Old software needs old PHP but there seems to be something wrong when I switch to 5.6

    In the Apache configuration I read:

    FcgidWrapper /var/www/<contract-name>/conf/php7/php-fcgi-starter .php
    FcgidWrapper /var/www/<contract-name>/conf/php7/php-fcgi-starter .php5

    Shouldn't that be?:

    FcgidWrapper /var/www/<contract-name>/conf/php56/php-fcgi-starter .php
    FcgidWrapper /var/www/<contract-name>/conf/php56/php-fcgi-starter .php5

    And shouldn't there be an appropriate php-fcgi-starter file available in that folder (presently not)?

  • In my case it is rather:

    $ lcclient --diag
    - PHP 5.6.40 (code='php56')
    CGI/FastCGI: /opt/php-5.6/bin/php-cgi
    FPM: /opt/php-5.6/sbin/php-fpm
    pool config: /etc/php-fpm/php56-fpm.d
    default php.ini: '/opt/php-5.6/etc/php.ini'
    - PHP 7.2.24 [DEFAULT] (code='php7')
    CGI/FastCGI: /usr/bin/php-cgi
    FPM: /usr/sbin/php-fpm7.2
    pool config: /etc/php/7.2/fpm/pool.d
    default php.ini: '/etc/php/7.2/cgi/php.ini'
    - default PHP CLI: /usr/bin/php

    Then I tried again to get it working with fpm and I only managed after manually restarting services like this:

    systemctl stop apache2 ; systemctl stop php7.2-fpm; systemctl stop php56-fpm; systemctl start apache2; systemctl start php7.2-fpm; systemctl start php56-fpm

    Apparently some 7.2 services remain running which inhibits 5.6 to take charge of the site, at least that is how it looks like to me.

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