xcache and liveconfig

  • I am used to xcache and would like to know how to set this up with LiveConfig. Does it work with fastcgi? I don't see xcache reported in phpinfo(). My sites are terribly slow since I moved them to LiveConfig and that must be because of the missing caching.

    Thinking it had anything to do with fastcgi I changed the plan to mod_php, but the phpinfo() keeps saying it using fastcgi. Is this a bug?

  • Maybe you're using suPHP if your sites are slow?
    You can check the configured PHP mode quite simple:

    grep "PHP configuration" /etc/init.d/sites-available/*.conf

    However, using an opcode cache is always a good idea as long as you use mod_php or FastCGI. The most straightforward way to enable it is by creating a file named /etc/php5/conf.d/xcache.ini with all the required settings - this way is will work automatically for every subscription.

  • However, using an opcode cache is always a good idea as long as you use mod_php or FastCGI.

    Yes, But the question is, how FastCGI is used!

    As I mentioned in another post, an opcode cache will only work correctly, if you use mod_fastcgi, NOT mod_fcgid! There is a huge difference between them and no - mod_fcgid is not a newer mod_fastcgi nor a further develpment of it!

    Here you'll find more information: http://www.brandonturner.net/b…gi_with_php_opcode_cache/

    And now I remember, what Feature-Request I want to ask for:

    FeatureRequest: Autodetection if the WebServer runs with mod_fcgid or mod_fastcgi and set proper settings. That would be great!


    Oskar Groh

    Computer sind unglaublich dumme Geräte,
    die unglaublich intelligente Sachen können.
    Programmierer sind unglaublich intelligente Leute,
    die unglaublich dumme Sachen produzieren.
    ("Die Presse", 30.8.1999)

  • Well the problem was that I had not installed libapache2-mod-php5. So the apache configuration was there but still it was running the subscription as fastcgi.

    Feature request: a solution for this problem, like for instance a warning or automatically setting the configuration to a mode that is available or automatically installing the package that is needed.

    Still I have this problem that under Fast-Cgi I cannot check if xcache is really active. Under mod_php I get a positive feedback that the php files of Drupal are cached by using the xcache admin tool, but I fail to enter this tool in fastcgi

  • xcache will not run under FastCGI if mod_fcgid is used, which is - for any reason - almost the default. It will run well, if FastCGI is used with mod_fastcgi, as long mod_fastcgi has a proper setup! What mod you are using for FastCGI?

    The most important setting for using an opcode cache under FastCGI is "maxClassProcesses" which has to be set within the apache configuration to "1". This is mendotary to allow php to handle its processes by itself and it will only work with mod_fastcgi, while it has an disastrous effect to mod_fcgid.

    Of course, mod_php is the simple way. But I wouldn't accept the loss of security.

    FastCGI is just the protocoll!!! mod_fcgid or mod_fastcgi are the implementations and they are not the same! They are independent developments, not a fork or a further develpment of each other. They both just using the FastCGI-Protokoll in some different ways.

    See what I mean?

    Computer sind unglaublich dumme Geräte,
    die unglaublich intelligente Sachen können.
    Programmierer sind unglaublich intelligente Leute,
    die unglaublich dumme Sachen produzieren.
    ("Die Presse", 30.8.1999)

  • xcache will not run under FastCGI if mod_fcgid is used, which is - for any reason - almost the default. It will run well, if FastCGI is used with mod_fastcgi, as long mod_fastcgi has a proper setup! What mod you are using for FastCGI?

    What I see is that fcgid is installed:

    dpkg --get-selections|grep fcgi
    libapache2-mod-fcgid                            install

    Beside that I don't see anything related. How would I check? Remember I am using Ubuntu 11.10 here. Should I use another distribution or version?

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