Beiträge von Systemhaus-EHST


    seit NGinx 1.25.1 zählt folgende Angabe:

    listen 443 ssl http2;

    listen [::]:443 ssl http2;

    als "directive is deprecated"

    statt dessen sollte nun:

    listen 443 ssl;

    listen [::]:443 ssl;

    http2 on;

    verwendet werden, was dann nicht mehr zu Warnings bei Restarts führt und die Logs aufblähen lässt.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Martin Krüger


    auch mit entfernten 10.5 klappt es nicht


    root@mail:~# dpkg -l | grep -i mariadb
    ii libdbd-mariadb-perl 1.22-1+b1 amd64 Perl5 database interface to the MariaDB/MySQL databases
    ii libmariadb3:amd64 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 amd64 MariaDB database client library
    ii mariadb-backup 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 amd64 Backup tool for MariaDB server
    ii mariadb-client 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 amd64 MariaDB database client binaries
    ii mariadb-client-compat 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 all MySQL compatibility links to mariadb-client binaries/scripts.
    ii mariadb-client-core 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 amd64 MariaDB database core client binaries
    ii mariadb-common 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 all MariaDB common configuration files
    ii mariadb-server 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 amd64 MariaDB database server binaries
    ii mariadb-server-compat 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 all MySQL compatibility links to mariadb-server binaries/scripts.
    ii mariadb-server-core 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 amd64 MariaDB database core server files
    ii mysql-common 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 all MariaDB database common files (e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf)

    LiveConfig Diag

    [INFO] Loading custom Lua settings from '/usr/lib/liveconfig/lua/custom.lua'
    [INFO] Detected 'Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)'
    [INFO] setting PHP default version to 'php81'
    Distribution name: 'Debian'
    Distribution codename: 'bookworm'
    Distribution family: 'Debian'
    Distribution version: '12'
    Distribution description: 'Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)'
    Checking for web server software:
    - Found 'apache' web server
    Version: '2.4.57'
    Package version: '2.4.57-2'
    Modules: core so watchdog http log_config logio version unixd access_compat actions alias auth_basic authn_core authn_file authz_core authz_host authz_user autoindex deflate dir env fcgid filter http2 include mime mpm_event negotiation proxy proxy_fcgi proxy_http reqtimeout rewrite setenvif socache_shmcb ssl suexec
    - PHP 7.4.33 (code='php74', eol='2022-11-28')
    CGI/FastCGI: /opt/php-7.4/bin/php-cgi
    FPM: /opt/php-7.4/sbin/php-fpm
    pool config: /etc/php-fpm/php74-fpm.d
    default php.ini: '/opt/php-7.4/etc/php.ini'
    - PHP 8.1.20 [DEFAULT] (code='php81', eol='2024-11-25')
    CGI/FastCGI: /opt/php-8.1/bin/php-cgi
    FPM: /opt/php-8.1/sbin/php-fpm
    pool config: /etc/php-fpm/php81-fpm.d
    default php.ini: '/opt/php-8.1/etc/php.ini'
    - PHP 8.2.5 (code='php8')
    CGI/FastCGI: /usr/bin/php-cgi
    default php.ini: '/etc/php/8.2/cgi/php.ini'
    - default PHP CLI: /usr/bin/php
    Checking for ftp server software:
    - Found 'proftpd' FTP server
    Version: '1.3.8'
    Package version: '1.3.8+dfsg-4'
    Checking for SMTP server software:
    - Found 'postfix' smtp server
    Version: '3.7.5'
    Package version: '3.7.5-2'
    DANE/TLSA support: 'yes'
    - SpamAssassin: NOT FOUND
    - found OpenDKIM (package version: '2.11.0~beta2-8')
    configured: no
    Checking for POP/IMAP server software:
    - Found 'dovecot' POP/IMAP server
    Version: ''
    Package version: '1:'
    Checking for database server software:
    /usr/bin/mysql: Deprecated program name. It will be removed in a future release, use '/usr/bin/mariadb' instead
    Checking for DNS server software:

    Testweise auch 2.16.1 DEV installiert.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Martin Krüger


    Ausgabe Befehl:

    root@mail:~# dpkg -l | grep -i mariadb
    ii libdbd-mariadb-perl 1.22-1+b1 amd64 Perl5 database interface to the MariaDB/MySQL databases
    ii libmariadb3:amd64 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 amd64 MariaDB database client library
    ii mariadb-backup 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 amd64 Backup tool for MariaDB server
    ii mariadb-client 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 amd64 MariaDB database client binaries
    rc mariadb-client-10.5 1:10.5.15-0+deb11u1 amd64 MariaDB database client binaries
    ii mariadb-client-compat 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 all MySQL compatibility links to mariadb-client binaries/scripts.
    ii mariadb-client-core 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 amd64 MariaDB database core client binaries
    ii mariadb-common 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 all MariaDB common configuration files
    ii mariadb-server 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 amd64 MariaDB database server binaries
    rc mariadb-server-10.5 1:10.5.15-0+deb11u1 amd64 MariaDB database server binaries
    ii mariadb-server-compat 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 all MySQL compatibility links to mariadb-server binaries/scripts.
    ii mariadb-server-core 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 amd64 MariaDB database core server files
    ii mysql-common 1:11.0.2+maria~deb11 all MariaDB database common files (e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf)

    Ausgabe LiveConfig Diag:

    [INFO] Loading custom Lua settings from '/usr/lib/liveconfig/lua/custom.lua'
    [INFO] Detected 'Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)'
    [INFO] setting PHP default version to 'php81'
    Distribution name: 'Debian'
    Distribution codename: 'bookworm'
    Distribution family: 'Debian'
    Distribution version: '12'
    Distribution description: 'Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)'
    Checking for web server software:
    - Found 'apache' web server
    Version: '2.4.57'
    Package version: '2.4.57-2'
    Modules: core so watchdog http log_config logio version unixd access_compat actions alias auth_basic authn_core authn_file authz_core authz_host authz_user autoindex deflate dir env fcgid filter http2 include mime mpm_event negotiation proxy proxy_fcgi proxy_http reqtimeout rewrite setenvif socache_shmcb ssl suexec
    - PHP 7.4.33 (code='php74', eol='2022-11-28')
    CGI/FastCGI: /opt/php-7.4/bin/php-cgi
    FPM: /opt/php-7.4/sbin/php-fpm
    pool config: /etc/php-fpm/php74-fpm.d
    default php.ini: '/opt/php-7.4/etc/php.ini'
    - PHP 8.1.19 [DEFAULT] (code='php81', eol='2024-11-25')
    CGI/FastCGI: /opt/php-8.1/bin/php-cgi
    FPM: /opt/php-8.1/sbin/php-fpm
    pool config: /etc/php-fpm/php81-fpm.d
    default php.ini: '/opt/php-8.1/etc/php.ini'
    - PHP 8.2.5 (code='php8')
    CGI/FastCGI: /usr/bin/php-cgi
    default php.ini: '/etc/php/8.2/cgi/php.ini'
    - default PHP CLI: /usr/bin/php
    Checking for ftp server software:
    - Found 'proftpd' FTP server
    Version: '1.3.8'
    Package version: '1.3.8+dfsg-4'
    Checking for SMTP server software:
    - Found 'postfix' smtp server
    Version: '3.7.5'
    Package version: '3.7.5-2'
    DANE/TLSA support: 'yes'
    - SpamAssassin: NOT FOUND
    - found OpenDKIM (package version: '2.11.0~beta2-8')
    configured: no
    Checking for POP/IMAP server software:
    - Found 'dovecot' POP/IMAP server
    Version: ''
    Package version: '1:'
    Checking for database server software:
    /usr/bin/mysql: Deprecated program name. It will be removed in a future release, use '/usr/bin/mariadb' instead
    Checking for DNS server software:

    Im Backend wird solange auch keine MySQL/MariaDB angezeigt.

    Unter Debian 11 Bullseye ging es noch.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Martin Krüger


    die Erkennung von MariaDB unter Debian 12 scheint bei der Version 2.16.0 nicht zu klappen:

    Checking for database server software:
    /usr/bin/mysql: Deprecated program name. It will be removed in a future release, use '/usr/bin/mariadb' instead

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Martin Krüger


    Fehler beim Upgrade

    Mai 05 07:53:30 systemd[1]: Starting LiveConfig Control Panel...
    Mai 05 07:53:30 liveconfig[112986]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: LiveConfig 2.16.0-dev20230504.2 starting...
    Mai 05 07:53:30 liveconfig[112986]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: Database driver loaded: MySQL (3.3.4)
    Mai 05 07:53:30 liveconfig[112986]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: Upgrading database schema (r215013 -> 2.16.0-0)
    Mai 05 07:53:30 liveconfig[112986]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: - migrating DNSSEC
    Mai 05 07:53:30 liveconfig[112986]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: Database connection failed: Table 'DNSSEC_new' already exists
    Mai 05 07:53:30 liveconfig[112986]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: Closing log file
    Mai 05 07:53:30 systemd[1]: liveconfig.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    Mai 05 07:53:30 systemd[1]: liveconfig.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    Mai 05 07:53:30 systemd[1]: Failed to start LiveConfig Control Panel.

    Debian 11
    LiveConfig 2.15 r215013 zu 2.16.0

    Log Auszug:

    [2023/05/05 07:53:30.099016] [112986|112986] LiveConfig 2.16.0-dev20230504.2 starting...
    [2023/05/05 07:53:30.099384] [112986|112986] Database driver loaded: MySQL (3.3.4)
    [2023/05/05 07:53:30.100355] [112986|112986] Upgrading database schema (r215013 -> 2.16.0-0)
    [2023/05/05 07:53:30.100407] [112986|112986] - migrating DNSSEC
    [2023/05/05 07:53:30.100725] [112986|112986] Database connection failed: Table 'DNSSEC_new' already exists
    [2023/05/05 07:53:30.100789] [112986|112986] Closing log file

    Wenn man die leere Tabelle DNSSEC_new löscht kommt:

    Database connection failed: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`LiveConfig`.`DNSSEC_new`, CONSTRAINT `DNSSEC_new_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`DS_DOMAINID`) REFERENCES `DOMAINS` (`D_ID`) ON DELETE CASCADE)

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Martin Krüger


    mein Fehler gewesen:

    Hier der komplette Dump

    (1, 1, 8, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, NULL, 'General', 'ico_settings.gif'),
    (2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 'CORE_LOGIN', 'Web Login', NULL),
    (3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 'CORE_SOAP', 'SOAP API', NULL),
    (4, 6, 7, 1, 1, 0, 1, 3, 'CORE_LOG', 'View Log', NULL),
    (5, 9, 16, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, NULL, 'Settings', NULL),
    (6, 10, 11, 1, 1, 0, 1, 4, 'CORE_PASSWORD', 'Change Password', NULL),
    (7, 12, 13, 1, 1, 0, 1, 5, 'CORE_LANGUAGE', 'Change Language', NULL),
    (8, 14, 15, 1, 1, 0, 1, 9, 'CORE_RESELLERSETTINGS', 'Reseller Settings', NULL),
    (9, 17, 28, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, NULL, 'Administration', NULL),
    (10, 18, 19, 1, 1, 0, 1, 6, 'CORE_USERS', 'User Management', NULL),
    (11, 20, 21, 1, 1, 0, 1, 7, 'CORE_CUSTOMERS', 'Customer Management', NULL),
    (12, 22, 23, 1, 1, 0, 1, 8, 'CORE_LIVECONFIG', 'LiveConfig Control', NULL),
    (13, 24, 25, 1, 1, 0, 6, 1, 'IFR_CUSTOMLINKS', 'Manage Custom Links', NULL),
    (14, 26, 27, 1, 1, 0, 1, 10, 'CORE_REPORTS', 'Reports', NULL),
    (15, 29, 64, 0, 0, 20, 2, 0, NULL, 'Hosting', NULL),
    (16, 30, 31, 1, 1, 20, 2, 1, 'HST_ADM_HOSTING', 'Manage Hosting', NULL),
    (17, 32, 33, 1, 1, 20, 2, 2, 'HST_ADM_PLANS', 'Manage Plans', NULL),
    (18, 34, 35, 1, 1, 20, 2, 12, 'HST_ADM_SSLCERTS', 'SSL Certificates', NULL),
    (19, 36, 37, 1, 1, 20, 2, 13, 'HST_ADM_PHPTEMPLATES', 'Manage php.ini Templates', NULL),
    (20, 38, 63, 1, 2, 20, 2, 0, NULL, 'Hosting', NULL),
    (21, 39, 40, 2, 2, 20, 2, 3, 'HST_OBJ_WEBSPACE', 'Webspace', NULL),
    (22, 41, 42, 2, 2, 20, 2, 4, 'HST_OBJ_LOGFILES', 'Logfiles', NULL),
    (23, 43, 44, 2, 2, 20, 2, 5, 'HST_OBJ_FTP', 'FTP', NULL),
    (24, 45, 46, 2, 2, 20, 2, 6, 'HST_OBJ_DB', 'Databases', NULL),
    (25, 47, 48, 2, 2, 20, 2, 7, 'HST_OBJ_EMAIL', 'E-Mail', NULL),
    (26, 49, 50, 2, 2, 20, 2, 8, 'HST_OBJ_DOMAINS', 'Domains', NULL),
    (27, 51, 52, 2, 2, 20, 2, 9, 'HST_OBJ_APPS', 'Applications', NULL),
    (28, 53, 54, 2, 2, 20, 2, 10, 'HST_OBJ_RESALE', 'Resale', NULL),
    (29, 55, 56, 2, 2, 20, 2, 11, 'HST_OBJ_CRONJOBS', 'Cron jobs', NULL),
    (30, 57, 58, 2, 2, 20, 2, 15, 'HST_OBJ_BACKUP', 'Backups', NULL),
    (31, 59, 60, 2, 2, 20, 2, 16, 'HST_OBJ_BUILDER', 'Website Builder', NULL),
    (32, 65, 84, 0, 0, 30, 3, 0, NULL, 'Servers', NULL),
    (33, 66, 67, 1, 1, 30, 3, 1, 'SRV_ADM_MANAGE', 'Manage Servers', NULL),
    (34, 68, 69, 1, 1, 30, 3, 2, 'SRV_ADM_ADD', 'Add Server', NULL),
    (35, 70, 71, 1, 1, 30, 3, 8, 'SRV_ADM_DNS', 'Manage DNS servers', NULL),
    (36, 72, 83, 1, 2, 30, 3, 0, NULL, 'Server', NULL),
    (37, 73, 74, 2, 2, 30, 3, 3, 'SRV_OBJ_MANAGE', 'Manage server', NULL),
    (38, 75, 76, 2, 2, 30, 3, 4, 'SRV_OBJ_LOG', 'Server log', NULL),
    (39, 77, 78, 2, 2, 30, 3, 5, 'SRV_OBJ_REBOOT', 'Reboot', NULL),
    (40, 79, 80, 2, 2, 30, 3, 6, 'SRV_OBJ_USERS', 'Users', NULL),
    (41, 81, 82, 2, 2, 30, 3, 7, 'SRV_OBJ_WEBSPACE', 'Webspace', NULL),
    (42, 61, 62, 2, 2, 20, 2, 17, 'HST_OBJ_WEBSHELL', 'WebShell', NULL);

    Demnach sind alle 42 vorhanden.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Martin Krüger


    anbei die Abfrage:

    -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
    -- version 5.2.1
    -- Host: localhost
    -- Erstellungszeit: 13. Feb 2023 um 16:24
    -- Server-Version: 10.10.3-MariaDB-1:10.10.3+maria~deb11
    -- PHP-Version: 8.1.15

    SET time_zone = "+00:00";

    /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */;

    -- Datenbank: `lc-backup`

    -- --------------------------------------------------------

    -- Tabellenstruktur für Tabelle `PERMISSIONS`

    `P_ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `P_IDLEFT` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `P_IDRIGHT` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `P_IDLEVEL` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `P_TYPE` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `P_GROUPING` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `P_MODULEID` int(11) NOT NULL,
    `P_KEY` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
    `P_NAME` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    `P_ICON` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL

    -- Daten für Tabelle `PERMISSIONS`

    (1, 1, 8, 0, 0, NULL),
    (2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 'CORE_LOGIN'),
    (3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 'CORE_SOAP'),
    (4, 6, 7, 1, 3, 'CORE_LOG'),
    (5, 9, 16, 0, 0, NULL),
    (6, 10, 11, 1, 4, 'CORE_PASSWORD'),
    (7, 12, 13, 1, 5, 'CORE_LANGUAGE'),
    (8, 14, 15, 1, 9, 'CORE_RESELLERSETTINGS'),
    (9, 17, 28, 0, 0, NULL),
    (10, 18, 19, 1, 6, 'CORE_USERS'),
    (11, 20, 21, 1, 7, 'CORE_CUSTOMERS'),
    (12, 22, 23, 1, 8, 'CORE_LIVECONFIG'),
    (13, 24, 25, 1, 1, 'IFR_CUSTOMLINKS'),
    (14, 26, 27, 1, 10, 'CORE_REPORTS'),
    (15, 29, 62, 0, 0, NULL),
    (16, 30, 31, 1, 1, 'HST_ADM_HOSTING'),
    (17, 32, 33, 1, 2, 'HST_ADM_PLANS'),
    (18, 34, 35, 1, 12, 'HST_ADM_SSLCERTS'),
    (19, 36, 37, 1, 13, 'HST_ADM_PHPTEMPLATES'),
    (20, 38, 61, 1, 0, NULL),
    (21, 39, 40, 2, 3, 'HST_OBJ_WEBSPACE'),
    (22, 41, 42, 2, 4, 'HST_OBJ_LOGFILES'),
    (23, 43, 44, 2, 5, 'HST_OBJ_FTP'),
    (24, 45, 46, 2, 6, 'HST_OBJ_DB'),
    (25, 47, 48, 2, 7, 'HST_OBJ_EMAIL');

    -- Indizes der exportierten Tabellen

    -- Indizes für die Tabelle `PERMISSIONS`

    -- AUTO_INCREMENT für exportierte Tabellen



    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Martin Krüger


    vielleicht hilft auch:

    [2023/02/12 14:25:53.351172] [2746982|2746982] LiveConfig 2.15.1-release starting...
    [2023/02/12 14:25:53.351433] [2746982|2746982] Database driver loaded: MySQL (3.3.3)
    [2023/02/12 14:25:53.351984] [2746982|2746982] Upgrading database schema (r214045 -> 2.15.0-0)
    [2023/02/12 14:25:53.358179] [2746982|2746982] Upgrading database schema (r215000 -> 2.15.1-0)
    [2023/02/12 14:25:53.359298] [2746982|2746982] Upgrading database schema (r215010 -> 2.15.1-1)
    [2023/02/12 14:25:53.365275] [2746982|2746982] Upgrading database schema (r215011 -> 2.15.1-2)
    [2023/02/12 14:25:53.365332] [2746982|2746982] - migrating RRA_MAIL
    [2023/02/12 14:25:53.369876] [2746982|2746982] - migrating RRD_MAIL
    [2023/02/12 14:25:53.376720] [2746982|2746982] Upgrading database schema (r215012 -> 2.15.1-3)
    [2023/02/12 14:25:53.377590] [2746982|2746982] Database connection failed: Duplicate entry '2' for key 'PRIMARY'
    [2023/02/12 14:25:53.377663] [2746982|2746982] Closing log file

    auch noch den Fehler zu finden.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Martin Krüger


    bei einem Server erhalten wir nach dem Update auf 2.15.1 folgende Fehlermeldung:

    Feb 10 11:40:06 mail systemd[1]: Starting LiveConfig Control Panel...
    Feb 10 11:40:06 mail liveconfig[3927348]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: LiveConfig 2.15.1-release starting...
    Feb 10 11:40:06 mail liveconfig[3927348]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: Database driver loaded: MySQL (3.3.3)
    Feb 10 11:40:06 mail liveconfig[3927348]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: Upgrading database schema (r215012 -> 2.15.1-3)
    Feb 10 11:40:06 mail liveconfig[3927348]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: Database connection failed: Duplicate entry '4' for key 'PRIMARY'
    Feb 10 11:40:06 mail liveconfig[3927348]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: Closing log file
    Feb 10 11:40:06 mail systemd[1]: liveconfig.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    Feb 10 11:40:06 mail systemd[1]: liveconfig.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    Feb 10 11:40:06 mail systemd[1]: Failed to start LiveConfig Control Panel.

    Debian 11 wird verwendet.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Martin Krüger


    beim letzten Update scheint es einen Fehler zugeben:


    Debian 11.5

    Fehler beim Upgrade:

    Sep 12 22:17:03 xxx liveconfig[3300986]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: LiveConfig 2.14.4-dev20220912.3 starting...
    Sep 12 22:17:03 xxx liveconfig[3300986]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: Database driver loaded: SQLite (3.39.3)
    Sep 12 22:17:03 xxx liveconfig[3300986]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: Upgrading database schema (r214041 -> 2.14.4-2)
    Sep 12 22:17:03 xxx liveconfig[3300986]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: Database connection failed: Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL
    Sep 12 22:17:03 xxx liveconfig[3300986]: - /usr/sbin/liveconfig: Closing log file

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Martin Krüger


    wird automatisch angelegt unter /var/www/.well-known/ und per API dann die Subdomain mit dazugehörigem Lets Ecrypt Zertifikat und halt die nötigen DNS Einträge beim anlegen der DNS Zone.

    Dazu sei gesagt es wird PowerDNS Admin und nicht LiveConfig für die DNS Verwaltung genutzt.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Martin Krüger