How to enable SOAP API for resellers and set API password?

  • [indent]As admin SOAP user I can apparently not add new accounts under a reseller. Setting the resalecontract to the resellers subscription name still creates the client under admin not under the reseller. In the frontend when logged in as reseller the client only appears under the reseller, not under admin. So apparently I have to do the API call as the the reseller user. That this would be possible and may be desirable can be guessed from: [/indent]


    Zu jedem Benutzer in LiveConfig kann neben dem „normalen“ Passwort ein davon unabhängiges SOAP-Passwort hinterlegt werden (siehe auch Abschnitt 2.7, „ Passwort-Initialisierung “.

    [indent] It is not explained how to set it for other users than admin. How do you do that? And will it automatically enable the SOAP API permission for that user?[/indent] [indent]Or should it still be possible to do this all as SOAP user admin? Up to now all attempts to create an account under a reseller have failed. To temporary migrate I could create them all as clients under admin, which I have seen working, but will there be or is there a feature to then move the clients to a reseller? [/indent]

  • I am preparing a migration script for clients of one reseller from one server to another. Still no answer to this question. In the reseller permission I see that the SOAP API permissions are included, but I still got no clue how to enable this permission and how to set a password.

  • It is not intended that resellers / end users can access the SOAP API.
    However, the admin login can be used to invoke SOAP methods as a reseller, this is mostly used for importing multi-layered customer structures from other control panels into LiveConfig.

    On our wishlist is already a configurable API access for resellers and end users, but currently no implementation timetable.

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