PHP 5.4.38, 5.5.22 und 5.6.6
if you plan soon to make these repositories for Debian Jessie?
if you plan soon to make these repositories for Debian Jessie?
do you run liveconfig on jessie without problems? or just using these php-packages without liveconfig?
making LiveConfig ready for Debian Jessie would be great and work could start now, because there will be no more big changes.
especially, both sysvinit and systemd should be supported, as some will stay with the first one. -
currently no, but a few weeks ago I tested liveconfig on jessey and it worked fine, without problems, fork all that is needed for one web server.
but next week I launches a new server, on which I do not plan to put debian wheezy, i`m going with jessie, and that why i asked for this php version in jessie repository -
thanks for sharing your experience so far.
Würde es super finden wenn es auch für Debian Jessie z.B. php 5.4 und 5.5 geben würde.
Jetzt mitmachen!
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