Beiträge von ñull

    A friend helps me setting up bind DNS zones. He offers me a secondary DNS, but when looking at the configuration in /etc/bind/named.conf.options he could not agree with what LC did there. Since full DNS support is still in development I will not pass on his comments yet.

    For now I would like to deactivate LC controlling the DNS. Is there a way to bring LC back to the initial state that it does not control bind? This would be a good feature to add to LC anyhow, a button to deactivate the control of a service.

    Will there be a LUA script to customise DNS configuration?

    Für "mc" braucht man etwas mehr:

    export HOME="${HOME}/priv" HISTFILE="${HOME}/priv/.bash_history" XDG_CONFIG_HOME="${HOME}/priv/.config" XDG_CACHE_HOME="${HOME}/priv/.cache"  XDG_DATA_HOME="${HOME}/priv

    Viel zeit verloren das herauszubekommen. Die Reparaturarbeit wird daher immer größer weil wir abgewichen sind von den Linux Standardverfahren. Konfigurationsdateien sollten in /etc bewahrt werden und der User sollte in seine Home schreiben können.

    Mehr Information über XDG Variablen findet man hier.

    Diese Lösung ist auch nicht vollkommen. Ich habe gerade bemerkt dass noch immer "mc" seine datei im vorherige home abspeichern will:


    echo "${HOME} ${HISTFILE}"
    /var/www/web1/priv /var/www/web1/priv/.bash_history
    Cannot create /var/www/web1/.local/share/mc directory

    I just managed to get Awstats going. Unfortunately my clients will not understand the results because everything is in German. Is there an work around for this? Best would be when liveconfig sets this and when it would follow the user's language as set in preferences.

    Please add to the documentation that after upgrade of database / mail / web server packages to make sure that LC was restarted afterwards.

    I did a apt-get upgrade and LC, apache and mysql were upgraded in that order. LC did restart but it was before apache and mysql were upgraded. I did not realise this and database and web server became unavailable in LC. To be sure I did the manual restart with liveconfig -k and then it worked again.

    Beside documentation, it would be interesting when LC could detect itself if there was an upgrade of software and just reload the necessary data.

    Heute fand ich diese Instruktionen für Mailman unter Debian. Sollte wahrscheinlich auch unter meinen Ubuntu funktionieren und anscheinend nicht sehr Kompliziert.

    Meine frage ist, wenn ich das so ausführen würde für einer meine Kunden, was passiert dann nachher, wenn Mailman oder eine andere Lösung in LC integriert wird? Wann ich meine Kunden zu LiveConfig umziehe, will ich sie nicht nachher belästigen mit noch mal eine Änderung. Ich meine, können wir wenigstens wissen welche Mailinglist Lösung Kepler IT unterstützen wird? Das schönste wäre wenn dazu etwas im Roadmap erscheint.

    Ich sollte dafür eigentlich /etc/skel einsetzen können, aber leider hat Liveconfig anscheinend nicht den Standard useradd benützt.

    Ich würde bevorzugen zurück zu kehren zum Standard mit Benutzerverzeichnis in /home/ und benützung van useradd um die Behauptung "Minimalinvasiv" wieder wahr zu machen.

    So the answer is that "LiveConfig" will not change the configuration structure and therefore we will need to implement this work around?

    That, i.m.h.o. is not according to LiveConfig's claim (from your frontpage):



    Server configuration files are modified as conservative as possible. Their structure remains in the way it is typical for your distribution.

    In standard Linux you can change everything in your home directory. The home directory is yours and you determine what you can do with it and it is always under /home/. That is the idea of ownership in Linux. In that context changing location and making it read-only is intrusive. The way it is implemented makes it impossible for the user to create off-site folders, that in some web applications are needed to create a secure file system. These are all restrictions that need to be "worked around" if you let LC be as intrusive as it is at the moment.

    xcache will not run under FastCGI if mod_fcgid is used, which is - for any reason - almost the default. It will run well, if FastCGI is used with mod_fastcgi, as long mod_fastcgi has a proper setup! What mod you are using for FastCGI?

    What I see is that fcgid is installed:

    dpkg --get-selections|grep fcgi
    libapache2-mod-fcgid                            install

    Beside that I don't see anything related. How would I check? Remember I am using Ubuntu 11.10 here. Should I use another distribution or version?

    Well the problem was that I had not installed libapache2-mod-php5. So the apache configuration was there but still it was running the subscription as fastcgi.

    Feature request: a solution for this problem, like for instance a warning or automatically setting the configuration to a mode that is available or automatically installing the package that is needed.

    Still I have this problem that under Fast-Cgi I cannot check if xcache is really active. Under mod_php I get a positive feedback that the php files of Drupal are cached by using the xcache admin tool, but I fail to enter this tool in fastcgi

    I am used to xcache and would like to know how to set this up with LiveConfig. Does it work with fastcgi? I don't see xcache reported in phpinfo(). My sites are terribly slow since I moved them to LiveConfig and that must be because of the missing caching.

    Thinking it had anything to do with fastcgi I changed the plan to mod_php, but the phpinfo() keeps saying it using fastcgi. Is this a bug?