So, nun ist das geschehen, was leider in letzter Zeit öfter geschieht:
Kunden senden mir Emails: hallo, ich kann den Pfad einer Domain nicht ändern usw usw. es laden dann auch die Popup-Fenster zur Auswahl eines Unterordners keine Daten.
Dann ist immer ein LC Neustart nötig.
Neuen Kunden (web190) und neuen Webspace angelegt:
Pfadangabe leer und kein Webspace angelegt, Log leer.
Nach Neustart aller LC Dienste wurden wenigestens die Webspaces gelöscht, die Kunden lassen sich nach wie vor nicht löschen.
Eben neu angelegte Kunden + Webspace anlegen, Webspace löschen, Kunde löschen klappt dann.
Im Log:
[2015/01/04 01:10:30.426307] [5072|5076] Deleting subscription 'web160' (all objects deleted successfully)
[2015/01/04 01:12:15.089906] [5071|5071] Received SIGTERM, immediately terminating child processes
[2015/01/04 01:12:15.106102] [5072|5072] Server child terminating... (shutdown=0, exitcode=0)
[2015/01/04 01:12:15.106127] [5072|5072] LiveConfig terminated.
[2015/01/04 01:12:19.170212] [5071|5071] Received SIGTERM, immediately terminating child processes
[2015/01/04 01:12:19.171245] [5071|5071] Server child process 5072 terminated; uncaught signal: 15 (Terminated)
[2015/01/04 01:12:19.171255] [5071|5071] Resource usage statistics:
[2015/01/04 01:12:19.171258] [5071|5071] Uptime: 281516 sec.
[2015/01/04 01:12:19.171260] [5071|5071] User time: 32.0536
[2015/01/04 01:12:19.171263] [5071|5071] System time: 28.0596
[2015/01/04 01:12:34.171306] [5071|5071] Received SIGTERM, immediately terminating child processes
[2015/01/04 01:13:22.223460] [5073|5080] [LUA] LC.exec(/usr/sbin/a2ensite k55555w1.conf): program output: Site k55555w1.conf already enabled
[2015/01/04 01:13:22.240152] [5073|5077] [LUA] LC.exec(/usr/sbin/a2dissite k66666w1.conf): program output: Site k66666w1.conf disabled.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
service apache2 reload
[2015/01/04 01:13:22.255147] [5073|5081] Process 0 terminated with signal 48
[2015/01/04 01:13:22.255185] [5073|5081] [LUA] LC.exec(/usr/sbin/a2dissite k77777w1.conf): program output: Site k77777w1.conf disabled.
To activate the new configuration, you need to run:
service apache2 reload
[2015/01/04 01:13:23.273471] [5073|5077] [LUA] Deleting system account 'k66666w1'
[2015/01/04 01:13:23.419229] [5073|5077] [LUA] LC.exec(/usr/bin/crontab -u k66666w1 -r): error output: no crontab for k66666w1
[2015/01/04 01:13:23.419265] [5073|5077] [LUA] LC.exec(/usr/bin/crontab -u k66666w1 -r): exited with return code 1
[2015/01/04 01:13:23.422089] [5073|5077] [LUA] LC.exec(/usr/bin/killall -s KILL -u k66666w1): exited with return code 1
[2015/01/04 01:13:30.497540] [5073|5081] [LUA] Deleting system account 'k77777w1'
[2015/01/04 01:13:30.498983] [5073|5081] [LUA] LC.exec(/usr/bin/crontab -u k77777w1 -r): error output: no crontab for k77777w1
[2015/01/04 01:13:30.499003] [5073|5081] [LUA] LC.exec(/usr/bin/crontab -u k77777w1 -r): exited with return code 1
[2015/01/04 01:13:30.501582] [5073|5081] [LUA] LC.exec(/usr/bin/killall -s KILL -u k77777w1): exited with return code 1
[2015/01/04 01:13:30.986848] [5073|5073] Client child terminating... (shutdown=0, exitcode=0)
[2015/01/04 01:13:30.996857] [5073|5073] LiveConfig terminated.
[2015/01/04 01:13:30.996929] [5073|5073] Closing log file
[2015/01/04 01:15:40.331268] [4763|4763] LiveConfig 1.8.0-3353 starting...
[2015/01/04 01:15:40.447671] [4763|4763] Database driver loaded: MySQL (5.5.36)
[2015/01/04 01:15:41.609489] [4763|4763] License is valid.
[2015/01/04 01:15:41.651876] [4849|4849] Client child started...
[2015/01/04 01:15:41.769310] [4849|4868] [LUA] Loading custom Lua settings from '/usr/lib/liveconfig/lua/custom.lua'
[2015/01/04 01:15:41.874164] [4848|4848] Server child started...
[2015/01/04 01:15:45.193848] [4849|4849] (last message repeated 2 times)
[2015/01/04 01:15:45.193848] [4849|4849] Connected to LiveConfig 1.8.0
[2015/01/04 01:15:50.093732] [4849|4869] [LUA] Detected 'Debian GNU/Linux 7.7 (wheezy)'
[2015/01/04 01:15:50.498692] [4849|4869] Process 5202 terminated with status 1
[2015/01/04 01:15:51.085084] [4849|4867] Process 5243 terminated with status 1
[2015/01/04 01:15:56.465852] [4848|5266] Connecting to ([]:443)...
[2015/01/04 01:15:59.592793] [4849|4868] [LUA] Adding system account 'web199'
[2015/01/04 01:16:06.228550] [4849|4867] [LUA] LC.exec(/usr/sbin/a2dissite web199.conf): program output: Site web199.conf already disabled
[2015/01/04 01:16:06.228606] [4849|4867] [LUA] Removing '/etc/apache2/sites-available/web199.conf' (no vHosts configured)
[2015/01/04 01:16:06.393286] [4849|4867] [LUA] Removing orphaned entry '/var/www/k77777w1/logs/access.log' from logrotate configuration
[2015/01/04 01:16:06.443438] [4849|4867] [LUA] Removing orphaned entry '/var/www/k66666w1/logs/access.log' from logrotate configuration
[2015/01/04 01:16:16.835088] [4849|4869] [LUA] LC.exec(/etc/init.d/apache2 reload): program output: Reloading web server config: apache2.
[2015/01/04 01:16:37.085406] [4848|4912] Deleting subscription 'web199' (all objects deleted successfully)
[2015/01/04 01:16:37.165712] [4849|4867] [LUA] LC.exec(chattr -f -i /var/www/web199/conf/*/php-fcgi-starter): exited with return code 1
[2015/01/04 01:16:37.167001] [4849|4867] [LUA] Deleting system account 'web199'
[2015/01/04 01:16:37.255235] [4849|4867] [LUA] LC.exec(/usr/bin/crontab -u web199 -r): error output: no crontab for web199
[2015/01/04 01:16:37.255262] [4849|4867] [LUA] LC.exec(/usr/bin/crontab -u web199 -r): exited with return code 1
[2015/01/04 01:16:37.296795] [4849|4867] [LUA] LC.exec(/usr/bin/killall -s KILL -u web199): exited with return code 1
Alles anzeigen
Ich brauche einen Fix zum User löschen (soll ich die alten Schritte, die sie mir schon per Email mitteilten, also Löschen in der DB nach einem bestimmten Ablauf, anwenden?)
Ich brauche für LC-Hänger, die seit 1.8 regelmäßiger auftreten, eine Lösung.