after updating to 1.9.1
could`n activate dkim:
Zitat[2015/09/05 01:58:46.028876] [6405|6406] Error while updating TXT records (host 'mail._domainkey', zone ''): res_nmkupdate() failed
according to this:
* custom DNS records weren't included when domain was switched from own DNS servers to external DNS servers and back
try to switch some domain from own to ext and then again to own, but:
ZitatAlles anzeigen[2015/09/05 00:42:15.658348] [32318|32319] [LUA] LC.mutex: forcing unlock of mutex 'dns.addZone'
[2015/09/05 00:42:15.658364] [32318|32319] LC.dns.update() failed: /usr/lib/liveconfig/lua/bind.lua:685: bad argument #1 to 'gsub' (string expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'gsub'
/usr/lib/liveconfig/lua/bind.lua:685: in function </usr/lib/liveconfig/lua/bind.lua:598>
(tail call): ?
when delete txt record form that domain, then i could switch it between own-ext-own