Beiträge von leo

    Das LiveConfig-Team freut sich, die Freigabe von Version 2.0.0 (r3944) bekanntgeben zu dürfen! :)

    Die wichtigsten Änderungen sind:
    [*]komplett überarbeitete graphische Oberfläche (CSS3/HTML5, "responsive", kein nerviger Passwort-Manager mehr wenn man ein neues Mailpasswort festlegt, SVG-Grafiken für schickere Anzeige auf hochauflösenden Displays, u.v.m.). Optimiert auf Geschwindigkeit und kleine Bandbreiten (wichtig für mobilen Zugriff).

    if we already have an custom template and css,

    done as explained here:

    will it be override by this new css3/html5 or it will keep css?

    will it be compatible or not?

    for two mounths only one problem/bug solved from this:…set_filter=1&tracker_id=1

    What's the catch to release new options/feature when some old are not yet fully completed? over 3 years nginx in the experimental stage. you should seriously consider canceling support for nginx, it's funny that you could not solve the problem about logs and Web Traffic for nginx.

    about backup, now you say just for local

    look at this: expect multi-server support with the next LiveConfig version

    @Herr Keppler,
    das Problem mit lclogparse ist leider immer noch vorhanden. Habe heute 2 Server auf die neuste LC-Version aktualisiert, und dananch läuft lclogparse nicht mehr, muss immer manuell nachgeholt werden. Ist das Sinn der sache? :(

    i can confirm this problem,
    last two upgrade off liveconfig, lclogparse didn’t start after upgrade,

    needed to be start, manually.



    i have question about DNS and WEB,

    I need for some of my sites to set an DNS A record to see another web server, etc nginx/proxy web server, witch is just to serve site to all users..

    if I set on some domain/subdoman www and non www A record for that server,
    then I in zone for that domain have two A records, eg.
    180 IN A proxy IP
    180 IN A produce IP
    www 180 IN A proxy IP
    www 180 IN A produce IP

    and then my DNS answering one time one IP second time second IP

    I need just to answering the proxy IP.

    if I disable web space for that domain, than its ok, but then my proxy server could not read this site because there is no web configuration for this site on my produce server.

    If you have not understood what I want
    i have TWO server for my sites, one is produces second is proxy, that serve site to all users, and just read the produces server.

    My liveconfig server is produces server, and my proxy/nginx is not...

    is this possible to do with liveconfig?

    best regards

    problem with dkim was when generating 2048 bit RSA key,
    with 1024 works fine.

    second problem stays, switching form own to ext and then to own, fails, with error above..

    after updating to 1.9.1

    could`n activate dkim:


    [2015/09/05 01:58:46.028876] [6405|6406] Error while updating TXT records (host 'mail._domainkey', zone ''): res_nmkupdate() failed

    according to this:
    * custom DNS records weren't included when domain was switched from own DNS servers to external DNS servers and back

    try to switch some domain from own to ext and then again to own, but:

    when delete txt record form that domain, then i could switch it between own-ext-own


    Forget to tell:

    Operating system: Debian/GNU LinuxDebian GNU/Linux 8.1 (jessie)

    Client: LiveConfig 1.9.0-r3657


    there are a problem with apps install on different language,

    for example,

    drupal can`t install on english or serbian language the error is:

    === Wed, 22 Jul 2015 09:48:34 +0200 - wai-drupal-7.38-1.php (install) ===
    PHP Warning: copy(/var/cache/liveconfig/downloads/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/cache/liveconfig/installer/wai-drupal-7.38-1.php on line 139
    Warning: copy(/var/cache/liveconfig/downloads/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/cache/liveconfig/installer/wai-drupal-7.38-1.php on line 139

    Status: Error: failed to copy languagepack file

    on deutsch its works.

    Joomla cound not be install on serbian language,


    === Wed, 22 Jul 2015 10:35:46 +0200 - wai-joomla-3.4.3-1.php (install) ===
    PHP Notice: Undefined index: sr in /var/cache/liveconfig/installer/wai-joomla-3.4.3-1.php on line 205
    Notice: Undefined index: sr in /var/cache/liveconfig/installer/wai-joomla-3.4.3-1.php on line 205
    PHP Warning: file_get_contents(/var/www/appstest/apps/test33srjom/installation/configuration.php-dist): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/cache/liveconfig/installer/wai-joomla-3.4.3-1.php on line 362
    Warning: file_get_contents(/var/www/appstest/apps/test33srjom/installation/configuration.php-dist): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/cache/liveconfig/installer/wai-joomla-3.4.3-1.php on line 362

    work on english and deutsch..

    gallery, cound not be install on english or serbian language,

    there are no error in appinstall.log

    just this in liveconfig interface:
    Status: Error: Gallery installation failed!


    i have migrate my servers from old debian to new, 8.1

    after migration i have a problem with
    report, top10 statistics, email, it does not count to me i/o 24h mails.

    Is there a way to restart this counting from begining?


    Yes they load me phpinfo
    from cli

    but from web dont work

    sudo -u web1 -H /opt/php-5.4/bin/php-cgi -c /var/www/web1/conf/php54 /var/www/web1/htdocs/php.php
    X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.42
    Content-type: text/html

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns=""><head>
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    body {background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000;}
    body, td, th, h1, h2 {font-family: sans-serif;}
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    a:link {color: #000099; text-decoration: none; background-color: #ffffff;}
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    table {border-collapse: collapse;}
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    .center table { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: left;}
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    td, th { border: 1px solid #000000; font-size: 75%; vertical-align: baseline;}
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    <title>phpinfo()</title><meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW,NOARCHIVE" /></head>
    <body><div class="center">
    <table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="600">
    <tr class="h"><td>
    <a href=""><img border="0" src="?=PHPE9568F34-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42" alt="PHP Logo" /></a><h1 class="p">PHP Version 5.4.42</h1>
    </table><br />
    <table border="0" cellpadding="3" width="600">
    <tr><td class="e">System </td><td class="v">Linux NS2 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt11-1 (2015-05-24) x86_64 </td></tr>
    <tr><td class="e">Build Date </td><td class="v">Jun 14 2015 10:44:14 </td></tr>