Beiträge von leo

    works now with r4084 (01/29/2016)

    old fcgi process must be killed manually or server reboot. but this is ok.

    problem is still present with /etc/init.d/nginx-php-fcgi file

    after update to r4084, must copy it manually from /usr/lib/liveconfig/

    problems with php-fcgi stile exist after update to Preview version: 2.1.0 (r4082)

    in /etc/init.d
    file nginx-php-fcgi
    didn’t change after update.

    I copy it manually from /usr/lib/liveconfig/nginx-php-fcgi

    but then got next error:

    root@liveconfigtest:/etc/init.d# service nginx-php-fcgi start
    Job for nginx-php-fcgi.service failed. See 'systemctl status nginx-php-fcgi.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.
    root@liveconfigtest:/etc/init.d# systemctl status nginx-php-fcgi.service
    ● nginx-php-fcgi.service - LSB: Start PHP FCGI instances for NGINX
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/nginx-php-fcgi)
    Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2016-01-28 21:37:22 CET; 5s ago
    Process: 2483 ExecStop=/etc/init.d/nginx-php-fcgi stop (code=exited, status=2)
    Process: 2506 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/nginx-php-fcgi start (code=exited, status=2)

    Jan 28 21:37:22 liveconfigtest nginx-php-fcgi[2506]: /etc/init.d/nginx-php-fcgi: line 110: syntax error near unexpected token `fi'
    Jan 28 21:37:22 liveconfigtest nginx-php-fcgi[2506]: /etc/init.d/nginx-php-fcgi: line 110: ` if [ '$SEEN' = '' ] then SEEN="1"; echo -n " $NGINX_FCGI_USER"; fi'
    Jan 28 21:37:22 liveconfigtest systemd[1]: nginx-php-fcgi.service: control process exited, code=exited status=2
    Jan 28 21:37:22 liveconfigtest systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Start PHP FCGI instances for NGINX.
    Jan 28 21:37:22 liveconfigtest systemd[1]: Unit nginx-php-fcgi.service entered failed state.

    Würde ich hier gerne nochmal aufgreifen.
    Das nervt extrem, wenn man ein paar Kunden hat (mit 3 PHP-Versionen), und die alten Prozesse dort nicht gekillt werden. (Ergo= Mehr Verbrauch an RAM)

    You can then imagine how it is when you've got 300 subscriptions on the server with nginx
    almost 1800+ processes + processes that are not terminated

    we already write about this problem,…1380&viewfull=1#post11380…1569&viewfull=1#post11569

    but have not received an answer yet

    Mr Keppler, one HINT for you,
    /etc/init.d/nginx-php-fcgi stop
    wont kill those processes, it means that problem is in the script.

    I can offer you access to my test server, so you can see how it works/ or don’t work :)

    Einfachste Lösung ist, als "admin" unter "Mein Hosting" einen Vertrag anzulegen und diesem die Domain "" zuzuordnen - dann kann ein SSL-Zertifikat via Let's Encrypt beantragt werden.
    LE macht einen HTTP-Zugriff zur Authentifizierung, daher braucht man derzeit zwangsweise einen Webspace. Eine Authentifizierung per DNS ist zwar schon spezifiziert, wird von LE aktuell aber noch nicht angeboten.

    I have a question regarding this written above,
    on my liveconfig server(business license) is installed only liveconfig, postfix, dovecot,..... ie. liveconfig and mail service complete, meaning no Web service at all,

    My question relates to the LE, whether in such server, can install and configure SSL with LE.
    SSL for accessing liveconfig web panel.

    above that I have read claim that at the opening of the subscription, subscription must runs on a web service.

    My web services unrelated with liveconfig, They are centered on lcclient1 and lcclient2.

    1.liveconfig(mail services) - business license
    2.lcclient(nginx,php,mysql,...) - standard license
    3.lcclient(apache,php,mysql,...) - standard license

    all three server are in different DataCenters.

    certificate for liveconfig panel access expires in few days and it would be very good if I don't have to renew it, and spend my money on it, ie. if I can set access to liveconfig over LE/SSL-a.

    Mr Keppler, if you have any idea, or reply to this what is written above, please reply as soon as possible

    best regards,

    when comes preview?

    best regards

    thank you works now for me.

    Are Apache and NGINX running on the same machine, or are these different servers?
    If different: please check if "clamav-daemon" is running on the NGINX host.

    Basically it should work independently of the web server software, because upload scanning is handled by PHP itself (suhosin extension).

    its different servers/machines, yes clamav-daemon is running.

    when I on nginx machines run
    clamdscan --fdpass --infected --no-summary session.php
    session.php: {HEX}php.base64.v23au.185.UNOFFICIAL FOUND

    but when uploading trought web session.php normaly upload file.

    is there any chance that the scanner does not work on nginx server?

    I tested upload the infected file он the Apache and nginx, and on apache it was blocked, but on nginx the same file is upload.

    on both server,
    PHP Version 5.5.30 - from your repository.

    Additional .ini files parsed /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/curl.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/ftp.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/gd.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/gettext.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/imap.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/intl.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/mcrypt.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/mysql.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/mysqli.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/opcache.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/pdo.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/pdo_mysql.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/pdo_sqlite.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/soap.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/sockets.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/sqlite3.ini, /opt/php-5.5/etc/conf.d/suhosin.ini,

    apache server
    apache 2.4.10-10+deb8u3
    debian 8.2
    php 5.5.30 your repository
    suhosin.upload.verification_script /usr/lib/liveconfig/ /usr/lib/liveconfig/
    Client: LiveConfig 2.0.0-r3952

    when uploading got this message in /var/log/clamav/clamav.log :
    Thu Dec 10 09:14:58 2015 -> fd[10]: {HEX}php.base64.v23au.185.UNOFFICIAL(acdb2411b5ca1468d7104dc5a2a9b146:155256) FOUND

    nginx server
    nginx Version:1.8.0 (1.8.0-1~jessie)
    Client: LiveConfig 2.0.0-r3952
    debian 8.2
    php 5.5.30 your repository
    suhosin.upload.verification_script /usr/lib/liveconfig/ /usr/lib/liveconfig/
    Client: LiveConfig 2.0.0-r3952

    when uploading there are no message, file is upload normaly

    Changes in version 1.9.1-r3736 (04/09/2015):
    - locked/suspended customers are marked in reports/customer list (#138)

    this does not work,
    my customers that are locked or suspended are not marked in the report list, they are normaly listed like other customers.

    2.0.0 (r3952)